Uganda's Water and Sanitation Crisis
"Uganda has experienced two decades of economic growth, leading to large population movements from rural areas to informal settlements around urban centers. High population growth stressed the water and sanitation services that exist. 51 percent of Ugandans lack access to safe water and 81 percent do not have access to improved sanitation facilities.
Further, due to disparities in water access in Uganda, urban people living in poverty pay as much as 22 percent of their income to access water from water vendors. Spending such a high percentage of earnings on water reduces overall household income, limiting opportunities to build savings and break the cycle of poverty.
In Uganda and around the world, millions are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic with the added challenge of living without access to safe water. Now more than ever access to safe water is critical to the health of families in Uganda."
- Excerpt from www.water.org

If you want to donate towards efforts to resolve Uganda's water crisis, please reach out to the Stevenson's for more information using out "contact us" sidebar to the right of your screen!- Water wells - $7,475USD / $10,000CAN for bore holes.
- Water projects (for 1 water tank and 1 tap) - $1500USD / $2,000CAN